The Paetan Chronicle

I like long stories and I have a passion to tell you this one. I have a lot of different identities and dreams, so I wrote this story to appeal to a variety of interests. If you’re a romantic, I have love here. If you love adventure, I have large battles, small fights, assassinations, and exploration. If you love anime and games, I think you will enjoy this story. If you like strategy and tactics, if you wonder about where the heroes suddenly find all of their supplies and friends just in time, if you wonder how long it actually takes to build and army to save the world, this story might be for you. I will bludgeon you with the language barrier. I will clash your culture with that of a polite goblin. Give me time and I will show you the joy of a fulfilled slow-burn romance, a risky plan for a battle, two sisters that turn the tide of a war, how bored dragons attempt to entertain themselves, and a lich with arthritis.

The Paetan Chronicle is a series of series. The first series is the War of the Mountains and contains four books:

Book 1: The Witches of Serna (planned publication June 2024)

Book 2: Unseen Wrath (in draft)

Book 3: Winter Fever (in draft)

Book 4: The All-Consuming Flame (in draft)

There will be more to come. In addition to working on the rest of the War of the Mountains Series, I am also working on the next series, The Ninth Moment. As I write this in early March of 2024, I am not sure if ‘The Ninth Moment’ is the title of the series or one of the books within it (or both). In all, I think it will take between nine and sixteen books to tell this story. This will be a journey for me and I hope that you will join me.

Paeta is a land of rich history. Most lands are settled by humans of various ethnicities, with the exception of the Elven homeland and the Dwarven realms deep within the mountains. However, in the harsh climes of the Kaskev Mountains, which divide the continent, dwell hordes of aggressive and belligerent orcs, scheming hobgoblins and their hosts of loyal and disciplined soldiers, and clans of goblins that continue to survive.

Wars of recent history have been internal to each of the races. Human nobles fight amongst themselves. Whether the Eklendans skirmish on the border with Gershans or Berkmar loses swaths of territory to Markia, most have never seen an orc or a goblin. Some even believe they are only in stories to scare children.

Book 1: The Witches of Serna

The story begins in Serna, a thriving vassal town of Yvel, a city ruled by Prince Gerald. Yvel is one of the thirteen city-states in the Gershan Lands on the western side of the Kaskev Mountains. You will join Holbrin and his fellow elves as they are passing through Serna and hosted by the local gentry, Koval and Mariss Covendran.

Book 1 will introduce you to a growing cast of heroes on both sides of a conflict as you see the towns of Serna and Borly, the city of Yvel, or the harsh walls of Rykooth Castle, stronghold of Oygariyet the Great and his alliance of hobgoblins, goblins, and orcs, nestled deep in the unforgiving heights of the Kaskevs.

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